E-MAIL Address


Redlands Address

Sister Diana Ginger Zamora
7000 Central Ave.
Highland, CA 92346

MTC Address: Until August 6th

2011 N.900 E.
Unit 227
Provo, Utah 84002


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The 1st email!!! : Greetings Mortals!

Hola Familia!
 I'm so glad I finally get to write to you guys. We're only allowed to write on P-days so it's been hard to wait. I'm alive, happy, and well just so none of you worry. I hope no one shed too many tears when I left!
I'm having so much fun here. Seriously, "it's not missionary work, it's missionary fun!". Everyone here has so much energy to work and learn and all the sisters look super cute in their missionary outfits. I have 3 roommates who are also in my district and we have so much fun together. Two of them are also from California who got called to Bakersfield. Nearly my whole district got called to Bakersfield so I am grateful that I am at least going to Redlands. They asked what Bakersfield was like and the only thing I could think of was "it's very agricultural". Everyone in my district seems so young (18-19) but that's because none of they have been to college yet or left home. Since I'm in the advanced group, I am among a bunch of Mexican people with only 2 white people who have lived in Puerto Rico for 3 years in our zone. I admit right now that my spanish is awful, Papi, see here that I'm putting down my pride. It's really hard to read out loud and I don't have a lot of confidence speaking with the investigators. The other day I heard someone say "mujer (women)" instead of "mejor (better). So they were saying my life is women with the gospel. I offended one of the investigators the other day because I kept using "Tu" instead of "usted"
Everything was fun and games until the work came. I really enjoy studying and I'm trying really hard to be in tune with the spirit, but my companion is a bit osiosa and she doesn't like to study and she's always late. I'm trying to be patient but man is it hard. I've learned that it's going to take more than charm and a smile to get people to listen. The only way to succeed is trusting in the Spirit entirely. The first lessons we taught we excellent, but then my companion stopped studying and the 3 lessons we did yesterday were awful. I told one of them that he would never be with his father again on accident. I'm still trying my best and I'm going to try to have a better relationship with my companion. On the plus side, I am getting so much better at memorizing scriptures in spanish. I've memorized 2 and the First vision. The food here is so fattening and we spend so much time studying so we wake up at 6am every morning for the optional work out and that keeps me feeling great. I can't believe that I leave for Redlands next Tuesday! I look forward to putting 100% into the next few days. This is my mailing address for the MTC:
Sister Diana Ginger Zamora
2011 N 900 E Unit 227
Provo UT 84602
Some business items, I forgot my SD camera cards in my black satchel and my laptop. I bought another one for only 4 dollars so I am taking pictures but I can't send any right now because I didn't get the cord. Once I'm in Redlands, I'm going to buy a camera and continue my On the Plus sides. I've been seeing Heather Van Waganen a lot here and it is so wonderful to see a familiar face. Bev sent me brownies for my district and a letter. It's so wonderful to hear from her! There are some negative people around and being positive is hard, but don't worry family, a crack of light can light the whole room. Someone said "talking of the devil...", "Elder, it's speaking of the devil" haha.

Quotes from Elder Bednar from Characteristics of Christ
"Who we are and what we do is more important than what we say"
"Christ turned out when the natural man would turn in."
Be selfless and faithful in all things you do. The natural man would tempt you to put yourself above all, but remember how Jesus took the time to heal the solider's ear after taking upon all the sins of the world.
Always find the plus side,

Hermana Zamora

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