E-MAIL Address


Redlands Address

Sister Diana Ginger Zamora
7000 Central Ave.
Highland, CA 92346

MTC Address: Until August 6th

2011 N.900 E.
Unit 227
Provo, Utah 84002


Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 5 - it only takes 20 seconds of courage!

Well family it's been quite the week. I found out one of our investigators has actually been planning on joining the spanish christen church for 6 months and she's talked with her pastor and everything already. We're holding some hope for her husband and kids but it's been hard to get a hold of them. Our other investigator, Irma is gone for this month to Organ and so we cannot see her and she can't progress for that time. Anna still doesn't have permission from her father to be baptized and they keep going to the English Ward and not ours. 

 But on the plus side...
Manuela and Fabian (family with the 7 kids) have had harmony in their homes. They are getting along better as a family by reading and praying together as a family and as a couple. We went to their home for dinner and the kids were quietly playing and talking with us. We had quiesidilla hamburgers which is basically lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese in a tortilla. They say I've inspired them to drink more water and eat more veggies. Go Public Health! They were laughing and relaxed and we were able to have a spiritual lesson with them. We took manuela and Jasmine with us to Anna's home for her lesson afterwards. Jasmine was actually excited about going to church and going to teach Anna. It was a miracle and answer to her mother's, Manuela, prayers. Anna also agreed to go to our ward this Sunday. 2 prayers answered with one visit. 

Never underestimate the power of hymns. We were at an inactive Ssiter's home. She hasn't gone to church because of headaches and she doesn't like the loud noise from kids. We talked to her about family history and sang Famlies Can be together and right after that, she said what time's church? I hope we can get her going and get her into family history.

Another little miracle of mine, all 6 missionaries learned about family history pedigree charts on familysearch.org and newfamilysearch.org. I looked on Wends and I had a misrable 3 branched tree: me, mom and dad, and their parents. Nothing else. However, when I looked on Saturday, someone updated it and Dad's side goes back 2 more generations after Papito Glicerio and the work has been done for them! It's amazing and I am so blessed to see that! Check it out! It's easy to make an account and it's a great missionary tool.

La sociodad de socoro fue como Cristina or Jerry Springer el otro dia. Fue una clase de orgullo. It was crazy. There were voices raised, hand pointing, passive agression, interrupting. I even got all latina and threw in how refusing to apologize is a form of pride so hold grudges is not in harmony with tthe gospel but man was it intense. Thankfully, the hour finished before it got too wild. We are going to focus on ward unity this week. We don't only encourage people to invite non members to their homes, but inactives and members also. They must feel the spirit in our home and maybe even stay for a missionary lesson when we eat (mom, Miss Lisa maybe?).

So this week, I had a goal of Opening my Mouth. I've been very timid lately and it's time to bring out the Ginger in me. We were driving and I saw this lady raking her leaves. It took 20 seconds of courage to say stop the car! It took 20 seconds to decide to help her out. It took 20 seconds of offer help. It took 20 seconds to mention the Restoration. It took 20 seconds to give her our number. It only takes 20 seconds of courage to introduce someone to the gospel. I don't know if she'll call us, but at least she knows the true church exsits and she has our number. Remember that when you go to Open your mouth. 

Love you all!

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